Original Community Songs
and song zine recordings: Every Seed Has A Song
Words and music by Fehlya Ehrlander, unless otherwise noted.
These songs are approved for community use, including community choirs, song circles, etc.
Please contact Fehlya for permission if you are planning to record or perform the songs for money.
Donations are welcome.
My Feelings
Written as a calming reminder.
My feelings are healthy and normal
they will come and I will listen
they will go and change into other things
just like the beautiful sky
What is Good For Me
Written as a soothing reminder.
What is good for me won’t pass me by
and who is right for now won’t want to fly
I am here, with my future always unclear
but what I am drawn to will carry me through
I Will Ground
Inspired by a desire to perpetuate and internalize the ability to ground, many times each day.
I will ground in my body, when it all feels so strong
I will ground in the body, as the waves roll along
Grounding in now, grounding here now
Breathe out all the way, breathe out all of it
A Leaf
Born on a teary nature walk, this song touches on the theme of gifts we might experience through challenging times.
A leaf, dangling by a spider thread
Does a most beautiful dance
Sometimes, we dangle by a single thread
And do a most beautiful dance
Love is not wasted
This song came as medicine for choosing love while moving through hurtful feelings (in the context of a healthy relationship).
Love is not wasted
My love, it is not wasted
Acts of love, they are not wasted
Words of love, they are not wasted
Thoughts of love, they are not wasted
Love is not wasted
Inspired by the glorious brightness of snowy covered nights.
Where would you go, by the light of the snow?
Where would you be lead by the snowlight?
On a breeze, through the trees
A star takes my hand and I kiss the moon
Slow Success
A medicine song for letting go of the outcome, while focusing on acting from a place of deep listening.
Success is not the outcome
It’s the incoming, coming out
This is humanity
I am listening, I am hearing
I am acting from within
What is, is
A medicine song for letting go and returning to the moment.
What is, is… it is
What will be, will be… it will be
What was, was…. it was
I Know Who I am
A requested song to support difficult healing with the strength of self knowledge.
I know who I am
and I know how I feel
I know what it is
to heal and heal and heal
I am Enough
A medicine song for self confidence, acceptance, and love.
I am enough
I have what I need
Earth is Crammed
Melody by Madeline Moss, Harmonies by Fehlya Ehrlander, Words by Elizabeth Barrette Browning. Written as an acknowledgement of grace.
Earth is crammed with heaven
And every common bush afire with God
But only the ones who see, take off their shoes.
Daughter of Peace
Melody and lyrics by Madeline Moss, Harmony by Fehlya Ehrlander
Written for Madeline’s teenager.
Daughter of peace,
Here is some sweet release
From your heavy sorrow.
Sow seeds of hope, hope for tomorrow.
Stay in the Moment
Melody by Madeline Moss, Harmony by Fehlya Ehrlander Words by Terry Stubbart
Written for mindfulness.
Stay in the moment
Moment flows to moment
And so the path unfolds.
Hymn to the Night
Melody and lyrics by Madeline Moss, Harmony by Alison Post. Sung by Madeline Moss and Fehlya Ehrlander
Written as a celebration of the sacred in the mundane.
Let go all the ties of time / breath flies soft like owl wings rise
feet on earth are roots remembered / as we bless this sacred night.
Let the fire inside inspire and warm / wrapped in your waters safe from harm
concentrate upon the splendor / of this another sacred night.
See the mirror of without, within / give all your wishes to the wind
feel the sweeping as we spin / among the stars of sacred night.
Written for my mother. The bits of dissonance, for me, reflect the bittersweetness of motherhood without a village. May future mothers and fathers have bountiful support.
Mom, you’re the roots, trunk, branches, leaves, and the flowers
Thank you for nourishing me through the tender hours
Hushabye, baby sweet, hushabye
Snowdrops are my grandmother’s favorite flower. As I noticed them blooming one January, this little song of hope came through.
Snowdrops and dewdrops, summoning the spring
Rising before the warmth, faith in everything