• What if I am new to singing and feeling nervous?

    All online members are muted while singing. If you are planning to join in person, you will be glad to know that everyone is welcome to listen at anytime. Movement and self care are always welcome, as well as questions, and emotions. You are welcome to use the restroom and filtered water is available. I teach a few songs in a slower way when we have a new person and you can always listen, hum, or Ooo when you don’t know the words or want a break. There is a playlist link available to listen to our song collection throughout the week. Everyone is warmly welcoming and not vocally nor socially competitive. We sing for peace and joy! If you are interested, I hope you will try it out. Your first group is free and you can leave at anytime if it doesn’t feel like a good fit. Most people say it is a very calming and connective experience.

    If you are interested in private voice sessions, you will be reassured to know that sessions are fully personalized and you can take your time to explore your voice at your own pace.

  • What can I achieve with private voice sessions?

    The Full Voice method is an accessible and playful approach to building vocal flexibility and freedom. It can be very useful to professional singers but it is not a program that teaches classical or other stylized forms of singing. My background in classical singing brings a unique layer to my Full Voice teaching and some of the exercises I use are from my 15 years of classical training and choir work.

    I love that Full Voice work is fun, gentle, and effective for both beginners and professionals. It is completely personalized to help you meet your goals or freely explore your possibilities. Clients who work with me have achieved singing confidence, job advancement, regained singing joy, improved family communication, gained a wider singing range, joined new choirs, begun songwriting, and more.

  • What if I am nervous about injuring my voice?

    We prevent injury by warming up the vocal cords before any stronger singing and by using body awareness to avoid singing through tension. Posture, breathing, and body engagement allow stronger singing to stay healthy, as well as cooling the voice down afterward. Always stop singing and let me know if anything feels strained or hurts.

    Sometimes new singers experience a brief moment of lightheadedness, in which case they sit down for a minute and sing more gently for the remainder of the session.

    Sessions are generally fun and easy on the voice. Google reminds us that regular singing can strengthen the voice, improve overall lung health, and improve specific conditions such as COPD and asthma.

  • What is the structure?

    Private Voice Sessions: In a typical first session, I ask for a brief biography of your voice and your vocal goals. I introduce the five elements of the voice and we make those sounds together. We proceed toward singing and/or speaking exercises that are aligned with your specific needs. People usually take more than one lesson, but if you are doing a single lesson, we can focus on getting you exercises to do at home.

    In Person Song Circles: We begin with a brief check in. Singing and check ins are always optional. We sing by ear, without any papers or visual aids. This can take some adjustment time for those used to choir singing. We learn by ear because we are freed up to deeply listen to each other and members highly value this experience. We open up the circle to song requests from our song list, and we conclude with another brief check in. Questions are always welcome. People often stay for a few minutes after to chat and connect. New singers are warmly welcomed.

    Online Classes: Similar to in person gatherings, we begin with a check in and singing. There are creative thinking prompts and time to connect in breakout rooms. We conclude with more singing and a final check in. Feel free to email with any other questions.

  • What if I am uncomfortable with gender specific spaces?

    Some women identifying as she/they have tried our women’s group and felt that it was a good fit. If you resonate with being in a space that is designed for women to sing together and to connect through sharing personal experiences including those related to menses, menopause, childbirth, etc then you will likely feel comfortable. Some people prefer to sing at our seasonal all community gatherings. My private session voice work specializes in women’s voices, including singing through menopause, but I enjoy supporting men and nonbinary folks as well. Everyone who identifies with an offering and who would feel supported by it is welcome.

  • What are your Covid precautions?

    We ask that members stay home when unwell. Masks are welcome but not required. Classes and private voice sessions are also available online.