Baby & Mother Blessing
Blessing gatherings, sometime called a Blessingway, utilize the ancient practice of circling. The most important women, or people, in an expectant mother’s life, gather around her to share love and to listen to her hopes, fears, and joys. Simple rituals such as introducing female ancestry along with yourself, making something, singing together, sharing a meal, all remind the expecting mother of her community of strength and her connection to all mothers.
Singing in a circle of community adds depth, beauty, and meaning to a blessing. The songs are taught by copying a short example and they have minimal but powerful lyrics such as, ‘No matter how the waves crash, the ocean is calm beneath, dive deep into your pool of peace’. Mothers report that the singing helps them feel centered and more prepared for the upcoming birth. Friends and family appreciate the experience as a blessing and often have personal takeaways as well. Blessing song circles are a beautiful way to nourish the soul. If you would like to try out a song circle first, Olympia Sisters in Harmony sing every Sunday at 1p and the first gathering is free.
$200/1hr private blessing song circle ~ 6 songs
“When blessingway rituals become a Western tradition, birth outcomes will change.”
- Pam England, CNM, MA coauthor of Birthing from Within

What Women are Saying About Blessingways
from Blessingways by Shari Maser, CCE
“It was very liberating — my fear was transformed into joy, and the power of love in the room made me feel open to the unpredictability of labor instead of vulnerable to it.”
“It’s amazing what the Blessingway does to people. Just amazing. It’s very difficult to put into words. There’s nothing like it that I know of for helping people prepare for birth. It just brings an incredible reality to it, and a power and an inner strength to the woman."
“I really felt this connection with everybody that was there and it felt like a true celebration of the pregnancy and of me. It was a spiritual experience. I would have to say I really felt ready to have the baby — it was sort of the like the last piece for me in my preparation to labor and give birth.”